Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Poverty in the UK (A different kind of post)

Did you know that over 300,000 young people in the UK live on under £10.00 a week? Some of these people are also supporting family or even their children. In 2012, 1 in 5 people in the UK were below the poverty line. 27% of children in the UK live in poverty, which, is the equivalent of 3.6 million people. These children are very similar to you and I. From 2004-2009 the number of people classified as living in a 'low income' (this means that they spend over 30% of the income on rent) household rises by 1.5 million. That's nearly as many coins as you have on FIFA and nearly as many pounds you spent on your lovely house in St Johns Wood. 

Some people in the UK are unfortunate and I believe that this is unfair. Some people may have got themselves involved with the wrong people or committed a crime but think of the people who have been born into such poverty, where their parents can't afford to buy milk for the baby let alone new clothes for their 7 year old child. There are people in this world who are so much worse off than these, however these are not people we can help. When corporations in the UK refuse to pay tax, such as Starbucks, and go on to make millions of pounds. You have to think... What if they did pay tax would this change anything? The answer is no, probably not and in all honesty, you as a person or me as a person probably can not change things in our country either but at least we can understand why these people are in the situation they are in and maybe the next time you hear about another boy being arrested for selling drugs or stealing, you'll think... What drove them to it and the next time you go to Nandos for lunch, you'll remember that some people in England can't even afford chicken cottage, or montana fried chicken or even Janjuah Halal Chicken... Think what you want about this post but after 5 minutes of research on Google, I was shocked at the level of poverty in our country and how difficult it is for the people involved in this. I believe everyone should have an equal chance in life despite upbringing or surroundings, however the system at present does not allow this. Just bare this in mind.

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